Become a Rodeo Official

Become an Official Protection Athlete


  • Apply in writing to become a provisional official before any shadow activity.
  • After the application is received by Head Office, Events team will contact the Protection Athlete Director to confirm or deny if the applicant is fit for purpose.


  • Once approved by the Protection Athlete Director, the applicant becomes a Provisional status for a 12mth period.
  • Pink Step 2 Card is forwarded by Head Office to applicant.
  • Provisional athletes can only shadow events with an unrestricted/open category official.
  • A minimum of 5 shadow events must be performed.
  • Pink card must be signed off by the attending official, contractor, and judge at each Shadow event and a comment provided.
  • Provisional athlete to return Pink card to Head Office to apply for Probationary Status.
  • Head Office Events team will contact the listed attending contractors, officials and judges listed for applicant recommendation.
  • After the 12mth period is served, the Executive Officer will grant or deny Probationary Status based on information and recommendations.


  • Upon Executive Officer approval, Head Office will issue a green Step 3 record card to the applicant.
  • Applicant now has Open status with a Probationary period of 12 months.
  • Whilst in Probationary period, athletes must conduct activity with Open Official Protection Athlete during an open roughstock event.
  • Probationary athletes may conduct activity without an accompanying Open Protection Athlete only in junior roughstock events.
  • A minimum of 5 shows need to be completed and green record card signed by the official, contractor, and judge.
  • Head Office Events team to contact all attending contractors, officials and judges listed for applicant recommendation.
  • Executive Officer grants or denies no restriction Open Protection Athlete status based on received information and recommendations.

Become an Official Pickup Person


  • Apply in writing to become a provisional official before any shadow activity. See application forms below


  • Once application is approved, the applicant becomes a Provisional status for a 12mth period
  • A Pink Step 2 Card is forwarded by Head Office to the applicant.
  • Provisional Pick up persons can only shadow events with an unrestricted/open category official.
  • A minimum of 5 shadow events must be performed.
  • Pink card must be signed off by the attending official, contractor, and judge at each Shadow event and a comment provided.
  • Provisional Pick up person to return Pink card to Head Office to apply for Probationary Status after the 12mth period is served.
  • Head Office Events team will contact the listed attending contractors, officials and judges listed for applicant recommendation.
  • After the 12mth period is served, the Executive Officer will grant or deny Probationary Status based on information and recommendations.


  • Upon Executive Officer approval, Head Office will issue a green Step 3 record card to the applicant.
  • Applicant now has Open status with a Probationary period of 12 months.
  • Whilst in Probationary period, Pick up person must conduct activity with Open non restricted Pick up person.
  • A minimum of 5 shows need to be completed and green record card signed by the open Pick up person official, contractor, and judge.
  • Head Office Events team to contact all attending contractors, officials and judges listed for applicant recommendation.
  • Executive Officer grants or denies Open no restriction status based on received information and recommendations.

Become an Official Timekeeper

1. Complete application form & test, return to Head Office

2. Conduct one Shadow event & return to Head Office a copy of shadow time sheets signed by the official judge

Links to Application Resources


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